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Recall in 10 Countries. Chief Scout Motorcycle - Defective Fuel Pump

Recall of US Indian Motorcycle Chief Scout in 10 countries as fuel pump engine may cut off cut off during driving increasing risk of accident.

Notifying country: Germany

Products were found and measures were taken also in:





The Netherlands





Product category: Motor vehicles

Product: Motorcycle

Name: Chief, Scout

Brand: Indian Motorcycle

Production dates: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2022

EC-type approval/model: D, M

e4*168/2013*00147*00, e4*168/2013*00030*10

Company recall code: Chief: I-22-06-A , Scout: I-22-06-B

Product description: Motorcycle

Country of origin: United States

Risk type: Injuries

Risk description:

The fuel pump may become defective while the vehicle is being driven. In this case, the engine may cut off, increasing the risk of an accident.

Legal provisions (at EU level) and European standards against which the product was tested and did not comply.

The product does not comply with the Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of two- or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles.

Measures taken by economic operators (Manufacturer): Recall of the product from end users

Alert number: A12/00855/23

Published on 20/04/2023 - Report-2023-16

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